Membership Info


All neurologists, MD’s and DO’s, licensed in the state of Florida are considered members of the Florida Society of Neurology unless they choose to opt out. The society offers the following membership classes: Active, Junior, Emeritus, Fellow, Honorary, and Affiliate.

A.    Active Members shall be physicians who are engaged in the practice of Neurology in the State of Florida and who are board eligible or board certified in Neurology by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology or equivalent board.  Active members may vote in Florida Society of Neurology meetings and are eligible to hold and executive board or officer position, and will receive the financial benefits and discounts (such as for the annual meeting) of the Society.  Additional benefits include; a one page bio, pick and practice description/promotional page on the FSN website under the “Find a Neurologist” heading, participation in (i.e. authorship) the “blog section” and “FSN Form” section of the FSN website, special discounts with our industry affiliates and representation of the specialty of neurology in the state of Florida to the rest of the world.

B.    Junior Members shall be primarily for those individuals who are engaged in postgraduate studies in the state of Florida directed toward qualification to be certified in Neurology, including internship year, neurology residency, and fellowship.  Junior membership may last no longer than six months from the end of neurology training (typically fellowship).  Junior Membership will also be extended to those in physician training in an allopathic or osteopathic school in the state of Florida who also are members of a Student Interest Group in Neurology and those who match into a neurology program while currently students in Florida or those students who match into a Florida neurology residency program.  Junior membership is non-voting and not eligible to hold an executive board or officer position other than those positions set aside specifically for Junior Members.  Junior member benefits include receiving information from the Florida Society of Neurology regarding neurology issues and opportunities in the state of Florida (such as the annual meeting) and representation of the specialty of neurology in the state of Florida to the rest of the world.

C.    Emeritus Members shall be active members who have retired from active practice or have reached the age of 65, who may be considered for Emeritus Membership on their own request.  Emeritus Members may be eligible for some financial benefits as determined by the executive board (such as for the annual meeting), may vote and may hold an executive board or office position.  Additional benefits include receiving information from the Florida Society of Neurology regarding neurology issues and opportunities in the state of Florida (such as the annual meeting) and representation of the specialty of neurology in the state of Florida to the rest of the world.

D.    Fellow of the Florida Society of Neurology - Active Members may apply on their own request for Fellow status after they have been dues paying active members in the society for five years.  Fellows of the Florida Society of Neurology are entitled to advertise their status as a fellow, affix the initials F.F.S.N. to their name, and be recognized by the Florida Society of Neurology in other ways.  Fellowship in the Florida Society of Neurology is a privilege and requires continuation of active dues payment or reaching emeritus membership status, as well as setting a good example for all neurologists in the state of Florida.   Fellows of the Florida Society of Neurology are otherwise treated as Active members in good stead in all other respects in terms of rights and benefits.

E.    Honorary Members shall be those who have made outstanding contribution to the advancement of the science and practice of neurology and are, or have been actively engaged in the scientific development of the work.  Honorary Membership may be granted to lay individuals who have contributed greatly in support of the objectives of the Florida Society of Neurology.  No particular rights or benefits accrue from this honor though some may be assigned at the discretion of the executive board.  This membership may be held in combination with another membership class and should not be construed in limiting any rights and benefits of any other membership class held in the Florida Society of Neurology.

F.    Affiliate Members shall be those who are not neurologists or neurologists in training or otherwise do not fit in one of the above groups who wish to voluntarily associate with and support the Florida Society of Neurology.  This is a non-voting membership but may receive some benefits and discounts at the discretion of the executive board

G.    Dues as set by the Board of Directors are paid yearly by Fellows and Active Members (see description for additional benefits)  Affiliate Members, Junior Members, Emeritus Members and Honorary Members do not have to pay yearly dues (though may choose to do so if they are eligible for a second class of membership).  Only Fellows, Active Members and Emeritus members may vote and hold offices.  Junior Members are eligible for resident board positions.

H.    Policy for termination of membership may be set by the Board of Directors (e.g. for the failure to pay yearly dues, unfavorable conduct)

I.    Any special assessment of Members must be approved by the Board of Directors and failure to pay the assessment may affect membership standing.

J.    Application for any membership standing should be made on an approved membership application (either electronic or on paper) or in writing (either electronic or on paper) to the Society.